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“There is a better quality of life waiting for you, you just have to take the first step.”
Beverly S Ruppert, PA-C, Coon Joint Replacement Institute

Even though joint replacement surgery is less invasive than it used to be, it’s still a major medical procedure. That’s why you should carefully consider who will perform your knee or hip replacement, and where it will take place.

Coon Joint Replacement Institute at Adventist Health St. Helena is known for providing care that is safe, effective and innovative. Our long-term data proves that after surgery, our patients walk farther, go home sooner and have lower infection rates.

We also ask our patients to rate their experience by filling out satisfaction surveys. Among other qualities, most respondents report they were happy with their access to care and found it easy to communicate with Coon Joint Replacement Institute providers and office staff.

Understanding patient outcomes

In the healthcare field, someone’s “outcome” refers to whether their health improved after having a medical or surgical treatment.

We track how well our patients do while they’re in the hospital and after they go home. This data shows whether we’re meeting important quality and safety standards set by the government, insurance companies and other organizations. And it helps us make sure every patient who chooses the Coon Joint Replacement Institute for joint replacement has a positive experience.

The results speak for themselves. Thanks to our excellent outcomes, our program is consistently ranked among the nation’s top performing centers for joint replacement.

Coon Joint Replacement Institute orthopedic surgery outcomes

Below you’ll find a summary of our most recent hip and knee replacement outcomes.

Average length of stay in the hospital after surgery:

  • Coon Joint Replacement Institute knee replacement patients: 1.1 days
  • Coon Joint Replacement Institute hip replacement patients: 1.32 days
  • Knee and hip replacement patients from all hospitals reporting data to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS): 3.1 days

Average distance walked in the hospital after surgery, compared to the CMS requirement of 100 feet:

  • Coon Joint Replacement Institute knee replacement patients: 288 feet
  • Coon Joint Replacement Institute hip replacement patients: 271 feet

Average percentage of patients requiring a blood transfusion during surgery:

  • Coon Joint Replacement Institute knee replacement patients: Less than 1% (0.13%)
  • Coon Joint Replacement Institute hip replacement patients: Less than 1% (0.37%)
  • National rates reported by CMS: 20-58%

Average rates of deep infection (infection in or around the implant):

  • Coon Joint Replacement Institute knee replacement patients: Less than 1% (0.12%)
  • Coon Joint Replacement Institute hip replacement patients: Less than 1% (0.35%)

Patient satisfaction scores

Our strong outcomes go hand-in-hand with patient satisfaction. Coon Joint Replacement Institute consistently ranks above the 90th percentile on surveys that rate our patients’ experience

Percentile rankings include:

  • Patients say they would recommend Coon Joint Replacement Institute to others: 99th percentile
  • Quality of office staff: 99th percentile
  • Quality of nurses/assistants: 93rd percentile
  • Access to care: 99th percentile
  • Communication with providers: 98th percentile

If you have additional questions about our performance or program, please call our client services team at 877-747-9991.

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